I though I'd Surprise you with a little Scrapbook Sunday. Ok, first, I don't want to promise there will always be Surprise Scrapbook Sunday, that the whole point in calling it "surprise". But since one of my new year resolution was to take time to scrapbook for myself and I do think Catherine wants to do so too, I thought, why not share it with you. So here's my 2 yo son playing "t(r)umpet" !? I saw this layout somewhere (sorry can't remember where, if you know please tell me, so I can give credit to whom it belongs) and thought it would fit perferctly these photos.

SInce my big guy doesn't yet prononce the "r" in trumpet, I wrote it as is, to remember those funny missprononciation of the beginnings of speech.

But, Was he really playing with a trumpet ??

it sure sounded like one but look closely...

Nope, it was my breastpump for his recently born baby sister Sara!!! hahahaha
"Look mommy... i'm playing the tumpet !"
hummmmmm, that's a breastpump!!
hummmmmm, that's a breastpump!!
but it's a secret shhhhhhhhhhh...
You had so much fun and I laught so hard
You're really too funny.
Have a nice stampin' day
see you tomorow for a quicky mini monday
Gen xxx
A funny story to remember! That's whay I love scrapbooking :D
Have a great week!
Bravo William pour fournir l'inspiration pour une si belle histoire et une si belle page!!!
Gen, it's soooooo funny! Gosh i can almost see him... hehehe.
Trop drôle! The things they say! Belle page...
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