Monday, July 26, 2010

Two 4 Tuesday

Hi everyone,

Did you see our new CUTE 'N CUBBY tutorial ???.They're so much fun to make I just can't stop making them, here are my last two:

One for make-up, I was really surprise as to how much it holds

Everything as a place and everything is in its place so that I can rapidly find all I need when in a hurry.

I really love to be organize, it's my way of having more time than everybody in a day!!

Here's the second one for everything nails:

What I do love about this particular one is that before, I usually brought everything in front of the tv, and when I was all set, I realized that I was missing something... But now, I just bring the whole CUTE 'N CUBBY with me and I'm sure I absolutely have everything I need, and as a bonus, I never lose something in between the cushions because I just put back everything in its place.

I think one of my favorite feature about the CUTE 'N CUBBY is that it is FOLDABLE, so even in travels, I always have everyting in its place, so I don't lose time searching. What a great gift for all your travelling family, friends , co-workers and most of all for YOU!!

** Pour toutes nos bloggeuses francophones, le tutoriel est aussi diponible en FRANÇAIS ici.

Have a nice stampin' day!
Gen xxx

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